Product Development Academy 2020

Right Product Development Products 2020

Right Product Development are below either to Grow Your Company with Right Product Development (IP) and/or Grow Your Company (Growth in Capital)

For SME (small & medium size companies)– Management

Introduction Offer I

Intellectual Property (IP) Strategy- set the fundamental IP structure (Patents, Designs, Trademarks, Copyrights, Domains) and plan for your company to be able to operate in its technology domain and support the company’s business plan and model.

Introduction Offer II

Intellectual Property Due-Diligence- Fundamental control of your IP (patents, designs, trademarks, copyrights, domains). An IP Due-Diligence (IP DD) Should be used to control your company or as part of a DD process prior to investment in SME or start-up.

Introduction Offer III

Right Capital – Seek Growth Capital Plan:
What are you Company Growth Potential with New Products and How to Finance this Growth. Overview of Financial resources. Get 3 essential factors to succeed with Growth Capital to New Products.

We suggest an IP Strategy Plan, IP Control report, Capital Plan and we go through the each product by video meeting prior and following to our report (2 hour). This cost 10 000 SEK (1 000 Euro). This offer is valid until Friday 2020-02-28. VAT added. ​
We have done hundreds of IP Strategy Plan, IP Control report, Capital Plan over the years for companies/organizations.

Product Development Academy 2020 Seminars

Product Development Academy seminars are below either to Grow Your Company with Right Product Development and/or Grow Your Company (Growth in Capital)

This approach can also do for a non-profit organization

GROUP 1: Right Product Development 2020

Model for efficient product development
– We introduce an efficient development process: in a competitive and changing technology world it is essential to make the right choices, meeting your R&D milestones deadlines and budget. We provide you with a model combining essential R&D stages with IP intelligence and strategy.
– The different stages. From the feasibility phase to product launch. : . Step by step guide of what be considered and established in order to guaranty the success of your project.
– The Intellectual property (IP) strategy loop and “subway”: Your company value is also depending on your intellectual property assets. How to combine it in your business model and plan, understanding the IP timeline and lifecycle.
– The right IP strategy for the right business model: What and how to use your IP is depending on your business model and plan. How to use your IP as assets to support your business.

GROUP 2: Right Capital for Product Development 2020

Model for capital product development
– How to Grow Your Company in Sales 2020: Analysis of Your Product Development and 3 actions to scale your company to reach Your Growth Potential and Capital within New Products
– Right Sales for Right Growth for New Products: Model for sales to new and existent customers either yourself or by partners. To sell by value and not by price.
– Right Foundation for a higher purpose :to receive Growth Capital from other foundations in order to decrease product development costs get a higher purpose for your company and a new way of marketing your products.
– Right Partners: model for share revenues/costs in areas of product development, production and sales/marketing

Group – 1 Moderator
Zack Amir , CEO of Patentest


Zack Amir

Group  2 Moderator
Kent Eliasson, CEO of ARCH Nordic


kent pic

Why Wait then! Book Your Seat for Seminar!

Contact for Queries : +46(0)8-585 708 00   Email: [email protected]