How to Reach Your Company Growth Potential 2020 for Real Estate Companies

Seminar Details

Seminar 1: Build right growth “Real Estate Company” (Free Seminar).

What is your Company turnover in 2020 and What will your growth potential be in 2021?  Get 3 New Business ideas to Your Growth Potential as Real Estate Company.

Seminar 2: Who is the right owner? 

To sell part of the company or the whole company? How to develop organic growth in your Real Estate Company? How to develop an ownership growth directive for clear direction in growth?

Seminar 3A: A value-based approach for the right profitable growth.

Action plan on how to reach your growth potential by 2021.


Seminar 3B: A value-based approach on Merger & Acquisitions (M & A).

Action plan on how to lead the way to a company’s rapid growth through M & A.

Each seminar last for half an hour including documentation, preparation and participation.

These seminars can be held either by phone, video or meeting in person either in Stockholm, Helsinki, Gothenburg, Copenhagen or Oslo.

Seminars are held by Kent Eliasson. Kent is chairman of the board within growth companies in Nordic Countries. ARCH works with Karin Lindstén from Boi Hus. As partners, our focus is Real Estate owners who are looking at growth within housing projects. Example: Condominiums (Ägarlägenheter), which could be a combination of apartments with shared hotel facility & services.

First seminar is free.

The other seminars involve a fee of 300 Euro per person/company per seminar.

Check examples from companies:

Email: [email protected]

Seminar Schedule

  • 1-3 April Stockholm
  • 4 April Gothenburg
  • 8-10 April Helsinki

Why Wait then! Book Your Seat for First Free Seminar !

Contact for Queries : +46(0)8-585 708 00   Email: [email protected]