Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Country *Foundation Name *Role In Foundation *Email *EmailConfirm EmailPhone *1. Are you planning to expand your network and/or areas of operation? *Mostly network Mostly areas of operationOtherIf other please specify2. What are your means of maintaining or expanding your network and/or activities?Newsletters and/or phone callsSocial media Other If other please specify3. Is Digital Marketing a must to expand an organization’s network and/or activities? *YesNoNot Sure4. Would you like to extend your activities to a new area(s) or improve your presence in your current area(s) of operation? *Extend to new area(s) Improve presence in current area(s) Other If other please specify5. Do you have any further comments to make on creating growth in organizations? Can you briefly describe some of the matters that your foundation handles on regular bases, which may have not been addressed herein?Terms & Conditions *I agreeView Terms & ConditionsEmailSubmit